June 29, 2023

Pimcore CMS, tailored for Destination Management Organisations

Pimcore, an opensource CMS chosen by Kumbe for developing some of our projects, such as destination web portals.

Blog Pimcore

Kumbe, founded in 2007, has created a proprietary CMS which it uses to develop numerous web projects, a strategic choice designed to avoid security issues and a proliferation of plug-ins which, over time, are hard to maintain and lead to further security problems. As well as creating a specialist tool designed for managing DMOs.

In parallel, we customised and identified Pimcore as a tool of interest for content management, one which can integrate a host of tools and processes (CMS, DXP, PIM, SHOP, DAM), all in a single platform, while also benefiting from open source technology and the option of taking out an enterprise subscription with guaranteed SLAs and LTS releases (Long-Term Support).

What is Pimcore?

Pimcore Platform™ is the only open source platform which can manage data, information, and experiences for purchase through all digital channels on all devices. Acclaimed by analysts such as Gartner and Forrester, Pimcore Platform™ is a digital hub for more than 100,000 companies in 56 countries.

Some of Pimcore’s Functionalities

Kumbe’s aim is to create web portals which are effective, innovative and able to meet the needs of our clients and, at the same time, deliver and smooth and intuitive user experience.  Some of the main functionalities of the Pimcore CMS, with some of our implementations, help us to create portals to meet all of these requirements. Here are just some of them:

  • independent management of landing pages
  • Digital Asset Management function management of tags which can be associated with content
  • reciprocal management and correlation of content
  • ability to model data structures based on custom specifications
  • ability to manage content organised and displayed “transversely” on the website, based on a taxonomy (ontology) implemented at a regional level
  • Headless or Hybrid platform with DAM and CMS, with standard API for third-party
  • integrations option to feed the internal data structures from external data sources via specific ingestors/data adaptors
  • display internal data structures via web services, both inbound and outbound, based on the shared regional taxonomy
  • multi-site platform which can create/support hundreds of mini-sites with associated templates 
  • operational and authorisation workflows
  • independent management of landing page creation, menu modification, drag & drop for page
  • layout targeting and profiling functionality to offer users a personalised browsing experience, through a range of technologies such as sessions/cookies/tags
  • copy of elements and drag & drop
  • fully independent management of landing pages, ad-hoc creation
  • creation and management of mini-sites within the portal
  • native integration of mailers for newsletters
  • internal content search enginegestione

Results Achieved With Pimcore

Thanks to an in-depth study of the platform and customised implementations by the team of developers, Kumbe has been able to deliver major digital projects using this platform.

We are a Pimcore Silver Partner 

That’s not all! Kumbe was very keen to gets its staff and the company certified through the Pimcore partnership!

We are talking about web portals for major tourist destinations in Italy: Madonna di Campiglio, Val di Fassa, Dolomiti Bellunesi, Alassio. Projects which required lean, high-performance, and easy-to-use platforms, both for users and for our clients to manage from day-to-day.

What results have we achieved in delivering these important web projects for tourist destinations?

  • Simpler management of content for tourist boards
  • integration of different external regional databases: DMS, proprietary platforms, photo and media archives, plug-ins
  • content which can be used on different devices and touchpoints: TV, interactive kiosks, printed copies, web apps collection of data and customised reports which feed into the digital strategy for promoting tourist products
  • SEO positioning which is high performance and continually growing  open to future integrations
  • speed of navigation and performance

These are some of the results we have achieved. We are creating a CMS which is highly focussed on DMOs to meet the needs and requirements of our clients who need a tool that allows them to independently manage the digital aspects of their projects. We are proud to be partners of our clients, not just suppliers. 

Request information


Val di Fassa

Turning a web portal into a digital hub

Fassa.com is a high performance and technologically advanced digital ecosystem which is easy to use for both users and operators.

See details

Consorzio DMO Dolomiti Bellunesi

Digital Hub

A shared web portal. For Dolomiti Bellunesi, we have created a digital presence that is representative of the whole region, giving a common identity for the member consortia.

See details

Madonna di Campiglio

Telling the story of a famous, all-round destination via a single web portal.

A portal that fully expresses the brand identity of the region by bringing together technology, usability and performance.

See details

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